Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesdays Train....

I was just scrolling through some updates why Bip and Bop take a rest.... well to be honest Its me who needed a rest .... but you can announce that your going for a nap at 2pm in the afternoon and leave the RAD kiddies to take control of you house.... that would be plain stupid of me .... So they rest and I get 45 minutes of much needed Mommy time..... so back to my hopping...
Christy over at I'm just saying has started a new blog hop.... called Tuesdays train..... so I thought as I love hopping so much Id join in.....


if you would like to join in .... the rules are simple... they have to be I'm participating.
Quoted from I'm Just Saying.
The Rules
"You can make a special post for this if you want or you can just use your blog address so we can get an idea what your blog is all about. Please use the button for your post that day though. It is not required but the more people that use it, the more blogs will join."


  1. Hey thanks for joining! I started this and wasn't sure if anyone would pay attention. LOL! I am now following you. I love the look of your blog.

  2. hey thanks for hopping on over.... well i follow you ..so thats how I saw it and just like you I myself am a big hopper... so Thank you for doing this...count me in for every Tuesday :)

  3. On my way over Karissa :0 thanks for stopping by
