Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stop the Bus I Want to Get Off !

Do you ever feel like you have so much to do that you could really do with asking God for an extra hour or two in the day?

I have been feeling like this for days now....

There just isn't enough hours in my day to complete all that I want/need to do..

With all the best intentions in the world I still don't get it all done...

My list is just getting longer and longer

Today's to do list looks like this

Write a blog post or two
Write a short bio and product an editorial to send out
Produce a template for Tatter Beans News Letter (look to the right and you will see a sigh up box... feel free to sign up and keep up to date with all that I'm doing)
Research new marking ideas
Do some ironing ( the kids look like scruffs in creased up clothes)
Clean the bathroom
Get some inspiration for Ester,Mothers day and father days prints/cards
Find a company that will fulfill my production needs .... and delivery deadlines
Work on a new product for my shop
Look at blogs to send my editorial to

Ok I am going stop there ... there a few other to dos on the list but Ive done them ....

I have this overwhelming feeling that I'm not going to get it all done today ....  and tomorrow just may be a wash out ... as we wait for the  next snow storm and the anticipation of a snow day for school.

Are you feeling over whelmed with all that you need to do today?
Please let me know I'm not alone .......


  1. I know this feeling all too well! I started to get up earlier and earlier to try and avoid it, but it didn't help; the list got longer.

    My advice is to create shorter lists! So knock ironing off the list and replace it with sitting and staring into space

    good luck with it all!

  2. Oh no. You are not alone. In fact, since Christmas, I haven't even written a list. It's THAT overwhelming here at a day in the life of us. Just remember, whatever doesn't get done today, can get done tomorrow. When I do start writing a list, it will be categorised into important/urgent - like a grid. That will help me to prioritise. All the best. Anything I can do to help? xx

  3. Only a mum's list would read
    - research new marketing ideas
    - do some ironing...
    Yes my to-do-list never ends either :-)
